Font Family
When you don’t set fontFamily
(on a Text Layer created in Code), Framer will use the platform’s default typeface: San Francisco on Apple devices, Roboto on Android, etc.
Just like in CSS, you can give alternatives for when a font is not available. In fact, Framer’s default for Google devices actually says:
fontFamily: "Roboto, Helvetica Neue"
So when Roboto is not available, it will fall back to Helvetica Neue.
Here’s an example of how Framer falls back to an alternative font: one of the examples in the above project says …
fontFamily: "Brush Script MT, cursive"
… but there’s no Brush Script on iOS devices. There’s a default cursive typeface, though, so that’s the one you’ll see.
Loading Google Fonts
You can load any font from Google’s catalog by passing its name to Utils.loadWebFont()
. This will work on all platforms.
fontFamily: Utils.loadWebFont "Cookie"
You can optionally pass in a second argument to load a certain Font Weight. In the example project above I used this to load the thinnest weight of Lato.
fontFamily: Utils.loadWebFont "Lato", 100
A font will load when the Text Layer becomes visible, but to avoid the slight delay this may give, you can pre-load a font and store it in a variable …
latoThin = Utils.loadWebFont "Lato", 100
… and then use that variable to set the font family:
title = new TextLayer
fontFamily: latoThin
Loading other web fonts
Another utility, Utils.loadWebFontConfig()
, gives access to the Web Font Loader library. With it, you can load fonts not only from Google Fonts, but also from Typekit,, Fontdeck, and even self-hosted web fonts.
To load your own custom fonts, for instance, you would do something like this, as explained in the library’s docs:
families: [“Some font”, “and another”]
urls: [“location/of/font-face/css-file.css”]
The library can also be used to pre-load multiple Google fonts …
families: ["Oswald", "Cookie"]
… which you can then use by referring to their name.
myText = new TextLayer
text: "Hello World"
fontFamily: "Oswald"
Embedding a font file in your project
You can include TrueType and OpenType font files in your project folder and load them with a few lines of CSS.
First, with ? Insert CSS you insert an @font-face
at-rule to load the font(s).
# Loading the TTF files in the /fonts/ folder
# and giving them a unique font family name
Utils.insertCSS """
@font-face {
font-family: "Walt";
src: url("fonts/New Walt Disney.ttf");
@font-face {
font-family: "Walt UI";
src: url("fonts/New Walt Disney UI.ttf");
You can then use the names you picked to set a Text Layer’s font family:
textLayerA.fontFamily = "Walt"
textLayerB.fontFamily = "Walt UI"